Terms & Conditions

Terms and conditions


  1. Definitions

1.1.  “Carer” means the person who attends the course with the pupil

1.2.  “Parent” means a parent or legal guardian who will be responsible for the payment of fees and who is the contracting party to this contract.

1.3.  “Tiny Tekkers” means Jordan Badger, the company and person who you have entered the agreement with.

1.4.  “Package” means the monetary cost per course as specified when enrolling

1.5.  “Venue” means the premises where classes will take place.

  1. Acceptance of terms and conditions

2.1.  All agreements relating to the teaching of the course by Tiny tekkers to the pupil are subject to these terms and conditions.

2.2.  No variation or addition to the terms shall be binding unless agreed in writing by Tiny tekkers and the parent. 

2.3.  The Terms shall be deemed to have been accepted by the parent upon payment of the fee by or on behalf of the parent.

2.4.  The parent and/or carer agrees to keep the content of the Tiny tekkers course and the Tiny tekkers training programme confidential and not to copy or use any aspect of the Tiny Tekkers programme directly or indirectly. The parent and/or carer agrees not to directly or indirectly manage, operate or assist in the organisation of any business which competes with Tiny tekkers while the pupil is a member of Tiny Tekkers or for a year period afterwards.

  1. Fee and Payment

3.1.  The parent shall pay the whole fee to tiny tekkers prior to the pupil commencing the course.

3.2.  The parent acknowledges and agrees that the pupil shall be deemed to be under the direction, care and control of the carer throughout the course and the carer shall be responsible for the welfare and conduct of the pupil throughout the course and whilst the pupil is on the premises.

3.3.  The parent shall indemnify and keep indemnified Tiny Tekkers against all loss (including loss of profit), liability, costs and expenses, which Tiny Tekkers shall incur directly or indirectly as a consequence of any action or inaction of the Parent, the carer or the pupil.

  1. Exclusions of liability

1.1.  Except in the case of fraud and subject to clause 4 below, Tiny tekkers, it’s coaches, servants, employees or agents accept no responsibility under any circumstances for any loss (consequential or otherwise), damage, expense or delay suffered or incurred by the parent, the pupil or any other party arising directly or indirectly or in a way connected with the attendance of the pupil at the course (or any part of it) or any other act or omission on the part of Tiny Tekkers or any of its coaches, employees or agents even if such act or omission is negligent.

1.2.  The parent agrees (for and on behalf of the pupil) that any claim made against Tiny Tekkers or any coach, employee or agent of Tiny Tekkers must be brought within 60 days of the event that gave rise to such a claim. Any claim made thereafter will be barred.

1.3.  The parent acknowledges, warrants and undertakes (for and on behalf of the parent and the pupil) that the maximum aggregate liability of Tiny Tekkers to the parent and or pupil under these terms shall not exceed the fee.

1.4.  All warranties and conditions whether implied by statue or otherwise are excluded from this contract provided that nothing in this contract shall restrict or exclude liability for death or personal injury caused by negligence of Tiny Tekkers, it’s coaches, servants, employees or agents or affects the statutory rights of the parent or pupil.

  1. General

5.1.  The fee is non-refundable under any circumstances whatsoever except with the prior written agreement of Tiny Tekkers, unless the child has attended their first class of their course and given notice that they will not be continuing to attend classes within 24hours of attending the first class, in which case the course will be refunded within 30 days.

5.2.  If classes are cancelled by either the school or setting without agreement with ourselves "Tiny Tekkers LTD" and/or cancelled within 24 hours prior to the session start time then no refunds will be given but classes may be differed for the affected period at the discretion of "Tiny Tekkers LTD".

  1. Cancellation

6.1.   In the event of cancellation by Tiny Tekkers prior to the commencement of the course by the pupil, Tiny Tekkers will refund any outstanding classes within 30 days.

6.2.  The parent/carer understands that the classes are to be used consecutively and Tiny Tekkers LTD do not offer a "pay as you play" service unless specified.

7.Social Media and Image Uploads

7.1.  Photos and videos are permitted to be taken at any of our sessions if the coach is in agreement. However the Tiny Tekkers office or coaches do reserve the right to ask that they are not, for any reason. By agreeing to our T&C’s you are agreeing that a picture of your child may end up in public domain, Facebook or even in "Tiny Tekkers LTD" marketing literature. We will always be sensitive as to how pictures are used and will remove any pictures from our Facebook page that we see as inappropriate. If you do not want your child’s photos included, please feel free to speak to us at the office to discuss this and feel free to talk to your coach as well. We hold full contact details of all people who attend our classes.

8.Covid 19 Safety Agreement

All those participating in any session run by "Tiny Tekkers LTD" during the current Covid 19 pandemic must adhere to the following agreement. This is including both player/s and their parents/carers and all staff employed by Tiny Tekkers LTD.

All sessions must adhere to guidelines as set out by the government.

  • Any player or family member that is suffering with symptoms of Covid 19 must notify Tiny Tekkers LTD before commence of the session and the result will be immediate cancellation and non attendance for this person and any sibling from the same household. (This includes possible symptoms set out by the government, including high temperature, a continuous cough & loss of smell/taste or a positive result from a Covid 19 test.
  • Any player or household family member that develops symptoms up to 14 days after the session must notify Tiny Tekkers LTD immediately.
  • All customers must leave a name and up to date contact number when attending any session.
  • All children will be asked to sanitise their hands before, during and after each session. 
  • Hand Sanitiser will be provided by our staff but please use your own supply where possible.
  • Equipment will be cleaned and sanitised regularly.
  • When dropping off and pickup parents must not congregate, you must adhere to social distancing rules and leave site immediately after.
  • Car pooling should be kept to a minimum and only used when absolutely necessary.
  • All details/questions/concerns must be discussed with Tiny Tekkers before finalising bookings.

These measures are subject to change with the Governments guidelines and will be adjusted accordingly. 

By accepting our terms and conditions you have agreed to have read and understood this agreement in full. Any person not complying with this agreement will have their session terminated immediately with no refund.

By agreeing to these terms and conditions I (the parent/carer) understand that safety measures are in place and social distancing guidelines will be followed when possible but there is a risk that my child may come into close contact with a person who may have symptoms or may test positive for the virus.